Our adventure with RR
started, by chance, in Spring 2000.
We decided to have a dog.. I dremt about dachshund. It took two days
to persuade my fiance to go to dog show. He was
not specialy happy with that. When he was paying for our tickets his face looks tragical. When on the entrance checking
our tickets woman informed him, that dachshunds were shown yesterday,
he was really angree. He slowly went to coffie- shop & didn't want
to hear about anything. When he was looking at haunds, whippets &
Dogs de bordeou, his face has a resigned expression. Suddenly he saw
RR. Untill our visit at Exhibition we had not even a pale idea that
dogs like RR could exist.. We felt In love with them and tried to collect
informations about them. Via Internet we met Gabi & she introduced
us to your friend from Finland. We contacted Sanna in
Finland & arranged
our plan. For a couple of months we were looking
at photos on Sannas website, where she put pictures of our Saba &
all her sibling. In August 2001 we jumped to our car & drove to
Finland to capture Saba. We are living In
village Mrowiska (near Warsaw) In big house
with big garden .
Sabas arrival made us busy with finnishing few works like central heating, ect..We moved to our new house at the same time when we had got our Saba. Saba is the first our puppy ) not counting Japanise mices. When we arrived home Saba was so sad, that we allowed her to sleep with us. Since than, we have been trying to correct this terrible mistake, with no result.
After two weeks we were scared - Sabcia still bet us, jumped on us / hang with her young, sharp teetchs on our sleves. He loved everything, we wanted to procect against her. It was also no waz to leave her alone even for a while I had to get used to go to the toilet with, footprints on our table cloth licking of mirrorlike screen of the oven & to wearing trousers. My parents seeing my scratched, blue legs started to be very saspicious & looked at Wojtek more carefully, thinking, that our relation is not normal. I will not mention about trying arrange my garden. My little girl dug out immediately everything what I plant. After some time, we learnt to read out her mine. Our favourite one is " mouflon" - 100% fidelity mixt with 100% innocence. She started her hunting with small animals - mices. One day swe has brought her first trophy in her mouth. She was expecting a special prize. Because lions are rather rare in our village she is training with cow, without any goud results. They don't treat her seriously.
Saba, when swe was 4 months old has her debiut in radio. Barking very loudly in Wojtek's show. Untill now, we take her to our works because she prefere it than staying home.
As a RR swe is incredible intelligent, commands swe get to understand just two or three times repeted. We are very successful doing our klicker excercises. Famous Rhodesian staring she convinced angry Rotwailer for changing direction of his walk. We are very happy with Saba / this is why we decided to do this page.
3 year later, after long studies of Ridgeback health, confirmation and character, we decided that we are ready to try our breeding adventure. You can read about effect and our breeding program in breeding page.
Edyta & Wojtek