Care of a Ridgeback


Puppies from 8 – 12 weeks of age should be fed three times a day. They ought to be fed twice a day in their later weeks, that is until the end of the life. It is good to serve nourishment at the same time since otherwise symptoms of disease, e.g., loss of appetite or problems with relieving itself, etc. may escape our notice. What you will find very healthy and convenient to prepare is dry food of good quality. Your dog certainly needs a properly balanced diet. Such food not only contains ingredients with appropriate proportions but also in such quantities that are suitable for your dog at consecutive developmental stages.

For the first dozen or so days you ought to feed your puppy on the same fodder which was served by the breeder. It will preserve the dog from stress that results from feeding changes. If you want to change the feed, do it gradually by adding a small amount of the new one at first. If the puppy switches from the previous feed to the new one too quickly, his/her body will react to the change causing diarrhoea.

While feeding, leave a bowl of food for about 20 minutes and do not disturb the dog. After this time (when he/she stops eating) take the bowl, even though there is some dog food left at times. He/she should not have access to nourishment permanently. If food of good quality is fed to the dog, there will be no need to add any additional preparation (unless the dog's vet affirms such a necessity).

Do not let the dog overeat! Ridgebacks feel hunger all the time. They should be rationed to the amount of food which is consistent with their weight (essential information is given on each box of dog food). Remember that quick putting on weight may affect joints unfavourably since they are not developed enough to carry such a load. If your dog's ribs are not visually observable, you ought to lessen the size of portions.

Do remember that your dog ought to have access to fresh water permanently.


Vaccination and worming

Your puppy should be undergone a course of vaccination before you let him go outside. The first vaccination is made by the breeder when the puppy is six weeks old. Next time you ought to vaccinate the dog when he/she is eight weeks old and is between 10 and 12 weeks of age. After the last vaccination you are supposed to wait ten days until you let the puppy go outside for a walk.

When the dog is between 3 and 6 months old, he/she should be vaccinated against rabies. It is necessary to repeat this one annually.

In terms of worming, at first it ought to be done every two weeks till the puppy is 3 months old. Then, the course is much more rare, specifically every month until the dog is 6 months old, and after this time – every 3 months.


Taking care of a dog's coat. Since Ridgebacks have a short coat, all your dog needs is brushing. While using a brush you remove dead hair, dirt, and parasites. Moreover, it improves blood circulation which makes the coat healthier and shining. The best idea would be choosing rubber brushes with short spikes.

Baths. You should bath the dog only if he is really dirty. Too frequent baths deprive the skin of a protective layer of fat and make the coat matt. If the dog is slightly dirty, you may use a brush. While bathing, do take advantage of shampoos for dogs, never ones for people. Bath your dog slowly and calmly so as not to harm him/her. It is crucial since the dog ought not to remember this as distressing experience. Besides, try to protect his/her eyes and ears against water. It is necessary to dry the dog quickly so that he/she would not catch cold.

Ears. It is Rhodesians' ears that are the place where bacterial infection may occur. Therefore, regular cleaning and weekly check is what you are supposed to do. Pet shops offer a wide range of preparations for cleaning inside the ears. You have to put ear drops on a cotton bud and clean inside the ears gently. If your dog often shakes his/her ears, it means that bacterial infection has taken place and you have got to take the dog to the vet's.

Teeth. It is crucial to take care of your pet's teeth and keep them clean. Do remember that it is easier to prevent tartar from accumulating than remove it later on. Besides, hygiene of muzzle cavity prevents unpleasant smell as well. Teeth should be brushed at least once a week. You may buy a special brush and a toothpaste, or you may take advantage of a gauze dressing wrapped around your finger and soaked in soda solution or lemon juice.

Gradually, you must accustom the dog to these activities. At first put your finger in the dog's muzzle and touch his/her teeth gently. When the pet gets used to it, start wrapping a piece of gauze around your finger, and next start making use of soda or lemon juice. Each time laugh and talk to the dog cheerfully, and try to show that you have fun and he/she can get a lot of fun out of it too. Moreover, it is biting bones that helps clean teeth. However, do remember to avoid chicken ones and ones which are not big enough so that the puppy could not swallow them.

Claws. Keeping a check on the length of the dog's claws is another hygienic procedure. If the dog touches the floor with claws, it is a sure sign that you should cut them short. The frequency of this activity depends on kinds of surfaces the dog walks on. If he/she often walks on asphalt and concrete, the claws wear out and there is no need to cut them short frequently. However, if the pet walks mainly on grass or in the woods, you must clip them yourself. In winter when the dog walks on the icy pavement, clippers are in common use.

The best idea would be taking advantage of special clippers or an electric file. The puppy needs time but will soon get used to clipping. On no account should the claws be cut while the dog is sleeping since he/she will wake up and remember this as distressing experience. If so, it is bound to cause problems next time. At first let the dog sniff at the tool and then try to clip the claw. Laugh and talk to the dog cheerfully all the time. If you succeed in cutting it short, give the puppy some delicacy in reward for good behaviour so he remember the procedure as something pleasant. If you are an amateur and are afraid that may hurt the pet, ask the vet to show you how much you are supposed to cut.

Fleas and ticks
. There are many preparations which protect against these insects on the market. Frontline is one of the top preparations. You ought to brush the coat aside and put drops on the dog's skin between his/her shoulder blades. Then, one cannot stroke the dog for 24 hours. Frontline has an effect on fleas for 3 months and on ticks for a month. Since every now and then various novelties appear on the market, the vet will come to your aid.