
next show - ??

November 22.11.09 - new pics in Toffik's gallery

15.11.09 -
Our first and last show in this year ,Kielce:

Sangoma Tajemnica Tkwi W Ogonku 'Zuza' - 3Exc
Sangoma Tupiący O Poranku 'Toffikk' - 3Exc
Harjaselan Ijumaa Imani 'Saba' - 1Exc, Best Weteran

October 24.10.09 - We put pics from new homes in gallery of: Tango, Nala, Rex, Paj and Tajga.

03.10.09 -
New pics of puppies in gallery 10 week , and on individual site of Miss Orange suni, gUliwer, Mr Apple and Mr Blackberry.
Below Zuza, 10 weeks after delivery

September 27.09.09 - Today we spend wonderfull time in park in the centre of city. We meet Toffikk, Cynamon and brother Boy, and also other no-red dogs :) A lots of bicycles, and snacks from people. Thanks girls for this meeting. Pics are in 9week gallery

- New stucked pics from 6 week of our U-litter.

August 23.08.09 - Next fantastic result !
Sangoma Tańcząca Z Uszami 'Cosima' -
1Exc, CAC, Swiss Champion !
The 4th title in only five months, Congratulation !

- U-litter is 4 week old, we took stucked pics

The second year in a row Cosima  ranked first in the "Best OF ELSA 2008/2009" category (most successful show dogs of the club)!! ! Congratulation girls, we are very proud !!!!
Cosi's pics in Monika Pehr zoon, you can watch here

12.08.09 -
Happy birthday T- litter !
Lots of snaks, kilmeters of walks, your own rabbit, and next happy years :)

- our puppies are 3 week old, new pics in gallery !


22.07.09 - U-litter just born !!! 10 puppies - 4 females and 6 males (1 livernose). Mum Zuza is not very happy, grandmum Saba is so excited and ready to help, Watson as usual, is depressed :)
Check litter site for more information and pics!

17.07.09 -
Last days of Zuza's pregnancy, look at first puppies "steps" :

12.07.09 -
Next day in Tützpatz:
Sangoma Tańcząca Z Uszami 'Cosima' - 2Exc, res. CAC (VDH+Club)

11.07.09 -
Show in Tützpatz (Germany):
Sangoma Tańcząca Z Uszami 'Cosima' - 1Exc, CAC(VDH+Club), BOS !
She finished her 3rd title in last 4 month -
German Champion Club E.L.S.A
Congratulation !!!

June 21.06.09 - End of Toffikk's holiday. He spent 3 happy weeks with us, learning sleep in bed, steal food from dish, barks and many other usefull things :)) We hope Agnieszka will still likes us.

Saba, Zuza, Toffik Toffikk Zuza i Toffik Toffikk

- Pragnancy is confirmed by USG, so we have to waite for delivery now :))

21-22.05.09 - Trip to Czech, for a date with Zuza and Arengo. There wasn't candels and flowers, but we hope USG in middle of June will confirm pragnancy. Keep fingers crossed !

18.05.09 - Another birthday party, today Saba finished 8 years .
Happy Birthday my love.

10.05.09 -
5 Birthday of our S-litter! Happy Birthday for all dogs and families :)

04.05.09 -
Cosima came from Croatia with:
Sangoma Tańcząca Z Uszami 'Cosima' - 3x 1Exc, CAC, 2x CACIB, 1x res. CACIB, 1x BOB and title:


Nina i Jens - huge congratulations!!!

April 30.04.09 - Zuza start her season now, so we prepare to a mating trip :)

19.04.09 -
Next Champion in family! Sangoma Sefu finished his Finland Champion title
Congratulation Hanna !!!


28.03.09 - News from Germany , international show in Berlin:
Sangoma Tańcząca Z Uszami 'Cosima' -
2Exc, ResCacib (VHD+Club), 2BOS!

16.03.09 -
spring officially start ! Below pics from the first spring walk, Watson couldn't waite for a jump to the lake :))

15.03.09 -
3rd Champion from our T-litter!!!

Sangoma Tańcząca Z Uszami
Offenburg, 1Exc, CAC, res. Cacib, - German Champion !!!
Congratulation Nina & Jens !

February We are still waiting for Zuza's season, but meantime, let me introduce you, this is Gluś

17.01.08 -
First show in New Year, international in Nürnberg:
Sangoma Tańcząca Z Uszami 'Cosima'
2Exc, res.CaC, resCACIB (46 females !!!)

New pics in Cosima's gallery!


Sangoma in press

In veterinarian magazin "Weterynaria w Praktyce", is an article of dr Niżański, with information about first ridgeback artifical insemination in Poland, and effect - our T-litter !

Cosima as October 2009 girl, in beautifull calendar of Monika Pehr. You can order the calender here:

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